Bright solutions to your problems

Digital design

Web design, design of mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms

Web services

AWS, CRM, ERP solutions, API for mobile platforms

Development for iOS

Development of mobile applications for the iOS platform (iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV)

Development for Android

Development of mobile applications for the Android platform (phones, tablets, watches, IoT devices)

Machine Learning

Machine learning, neural networks


We deploy, configure and support servers: web, backend / API, databases and telephony

  • Our iOS developers have been working on the platform since the launch of the AppStore. They speak not only the new, developing Swift language for the Apple ecosystem, but also the “old” Objective-C. Thus, WE are able to support both non-young iOS projects and develop new ones with a new approach proposed by Apple. Our iOS developers know and can write software for both iPhone and iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV. For Apple’s desktop OS – macOS.S.
  • Our Android developers are in love with their platform, which means they know it almost 100%. They are able to write an Android application in both Java and the fashionable Kotlin. They know the advantages and disadvantages of these languages ​​and can justify the choice of one or another.
  • Our web developers are perfectly familiar with Java, Golang, JavaScript and are able to write both a small website and a large heavyweight enterprise solution. It can be an API for a taxi service, it can be a CRM system for a company. They know how to launch and manage web projects in the clouds from Amazon, Microsoft, Google.

Sparkler Soft Team

There are no "random" people in our company. We are a team that brings together professionals in the field of IT-technologies, management, marketing and project management. United by a common philosophy and goal, we quickly make decisions and effectively solve the tasks of any complexity for various business areas. They work on the implementation of your ideas and tasks:


41 years

Chief Executive Officer

Management experience over 15 years in various fields. I have experience in organizing a business from scratch. I find a solution in situations of any complexity. 3-times a Half Ironman. Preparing for the full distance. Triathlon, like business, is impossible without self-organization and discipline.


36 years

Chief Operating Officer | Co-Founder

10 years of experience as an executive director. I am engaged in project management, I like a clear and structured system, I am attentive to details. I am fond of cycling.


41 years

Chief Marketing Officer | Co-Founder

Over 10 years of experience in sales and marketing. I am guided by the facts. I listen to my intuition. Always open to dialogue to find the best solutions. I practice yoga. It, like marketing, is my lifestyle.


40 years

Chief Technology Officer

Experience in software development for 10 years. I passed all the way from a developer and further in the most interesting world of IT technologies. I have formed an effective team to solve problems of any complexity. I love travel and a guitar for my soul.


30 years

Senior Android Developer

More than 4 years of experience in Mobile Development. I know the world of the Android platform perfectly. I approach tasks from a creative standpoint and always achieve results. Programming today for me is a profession, an art, and the main hobby of life.


25 years

Mid Web Developer

Young and ambitious. I managed to take part in the development of interesting and complex projects. I continue to follow the path of a developer in the most interesting world of modern web development. I am fond of cybersport. I appreciate the dynamism of its process and strategy.


36 years

Senior Manager

Work experience in the field for about 4 years. I know everything about interaction with a customer at all stages of software product development. I am able to analyze tasks of any complexity for a project and draw up an accurate schedule of work on them. Always ready to achieve results.


34 years

Senior iOS Developer

More than 4 years of experience in the field of Mobile Development. I am able to solve the most difficult and unusual task when developing a mobile application for devices in the Apple ecosystem. My active rest is football. It combines teamwork and the drive to become a better player.

Sparkler Soft is your reliable partner


We know both the new languages ​​of the Swift and Kotlin platforms, and the “oldies” Java and Objective-C


We know everything about cloud solutions (AWS Amazon, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud)

Guaranteed result

We work only with native languages ​​of the iOS and Android platforms


We make developments for any area of ​​business, any level of complexity


We do not undertake a task if we are not 100% sure of the result


We are flexible, and therefore we make decisions and carry out work in the shortest possible time


We always adhere to the approved cost of work

Customer focus

Our goal is to provide effective solutions and a high level of service to our partners


We provide further support for our solutions


Still have questions? Contact us!

Poland, Warszawa, 00-755, ul. KONDUKTORSKA, nr 18, lok. 7