5 Essential Factors that All Successful Apps Share in Common

Description: mobile apps are almost a must for every successful business, enterprise, or organization. With the world on a virtual model of operation considering the dictates of the times (COVID-19) and then transitioning to the remote or virtual mode apps are now more than a business necessity. For the mobile app developers, the challenge is creating apps that not meet this need and beyond but further set new goals and standards in successful mobile app development.

However, all successful mobile apps have exuded tested, tried, and tried mechanisms by which they are made. Besides the usual and unique mobile app development aspects (development platforms, coding, etc.), there are other close resemblances to what always defines great mobile apps. For the app developers, the challenge is the successful adaptation of these aspects on their journey to making or creating amazing apps that redefine app development standards. So what are these essentials in app development?

Essential Factors that Have Featured in Most Successful Apps

1. User Friendliness and Easy Navigation

User-friendliness or user experience sits at the top of great mobile apps. No user wants boring apps, are visually unappealing and are hard to use, and offer little in terms of excitement and thrill in the course of usage. Most if not all successful mobile apps today retain a higher user rating and app store downloads primarily because users find the apps engaging, entertaining, easy to use, and above all offer lots of fun or value on their devices whether while working or playing. Moreover, easy app navigation is like a rich juicy, and creamy candy bar that never ceases to entice users. Navigation also has the bearing of winning over users as difficult to handle or use apps will immediately drive users to simpler, easy-to-use alternatives.

2. Speed, Crash Resistant and Battery Saver

Today most apps have multitasking capabilities in that as they are opened they also instantly apply heavy background data usage. Not only that but also they relatively drain the device battery faster. Now with high data and battery usage comes the possibility of either faster crashing or slowdown in speeds or hanging after several hours of usage. Mobile apps that often crash result in poor success which is an obvious gaping giveaway on the quality of app testing, budget allocation, and overall R&D. For successful mobile apps, a perfect combination of these three factors ensure harmonious app operation, usage and leads to apps that make a positive impact on user imagination and impression.

3. Core App Functionality and Customer Support

The mobile app’s core functionality or features has always defined the app’s ability to soar and deliver for the clients. Today with the advent and widespread usage of e-commerce, location-specific app features, and social media it’s impossible to imagine apps without these extra value-adding capabilities or functionalities. Besides, cross-platform or hybrid app development has taken a strong foothold to dictate and determine successful app market demand.

Today, it’s part and parcel of successful apps to avail extra customer care services or easy access to more app information. The apps avail fast information, constant alerts, and regular or frequent reminders to users in case of any changes. This customer support has a consistent and lasting impact on user-rating and favourability of the apps.

4. Offline Usage and Adaptation

We are indeed in the virtual or online world post the COVID-19 pandemic. And everything seemed shaped and designed to run only online. However, with a huge demographic of users that may not have access to the internet and yet are passionate app users what happens to them? The offline mobile app functionality is powerful plus pointy for most if not all successful apps. Why? Because users want constant app connectivity on or offline or in case of poor network connectivity. It is true of most successful apps offering however limited a browsing capability that offers valuable information and services to the users.

5. Regular Mobile Apps Updates

Updates are crucial and significant especially nowadays as users demand and want more from their apps. But more so there is significant competition in mobile app development and the best strategy is continuous upgrade and update that ensure the latest bugs and lags are fixed instantly. Continuous R&D means the mobile apps are tested on all levels of performance for effectiveness. Regularly updated apps impact mobile app store download rates and user ratings. They offer better and latest features as opposed to apps updated after significant periods.


Today, more and more creative and innovative app development companies, as well as mobile app developers, attach significant and vital importance and relevance to emerging technologies. More successful apps in the market are equipped with the latest technology ranging from artificial intelligence, augmented reality, machine learning and adhere to other vital connectivity standards that make the apps unique.