Customer: Eco-Go startup
Task: Create from scratch iOS and Android apps for scooter sharing service.
Technologies iOS - Swift, Android - Java, Backend - Java, Frontend - React

Electric scooter sharing service.

Huge amount of cars which is still increasing, ecological problems, traffic jams and wasted time staying in them, lack of parking space – this is all about Warsaw. All this problems are not somewhere far away from us, we experience it everyday and hear dozens of complaints about that. But where are significant changes? Where is solution? 

Here it is – electric scooters, which may give people incredible emotions and many more advantages. They could be used by everyone who has drivers’ license and available 24/7. All equipment which consists of scooters and battery charging stations is controlled with the help of mobile application. It’s native mobile application for iOS and Android, which will provide scalability, and all SOLID principles and of course they can and will be improved in near future. 

Riding by scooter is impossible without any insurance. In the application, there is insurance obligatorily which is included in the cost, and all scooters are equipped with a special boxes with 2 helmets. 

The main benefit of using electrical transport that driver could use a traffic line for public transport. At one car parking place we can park up to 5 scooters. 

Also are going to create battery charging stations network infrastructure. User can build his route and visit a power station on his way to change batteries. Navigation will support user in this task and propose to change a bit the route in order to change battery. Of course the route is going to be built in most convenient way for user. 

We also look forward to add another types of transport: bikes, electric kick scooters and even cars.